Git Helpers is shutting down on September 1, 2024. All user data stored by Git Helpers will be deleted. We are not accepting new users at this time.

Frequently asked questions

How does Git Helpers work?

When you log into Git Helpers and select a Basecamp organization, you'll be prompted to connect your GitHub account.

Then, click Connect a Repo to connect a specific GitHub repo to a Basecamp project.

Anyone on your team can then link a Basecamp to-do to a GitHub PR by:

Once a Basecamp to-do and GitHub PR are linked, Git Helpers will:

To unlink a PR, comment /unlink in the Basecamp to-do. At that point, the to-do and PR cannot be relinked.

How can the rest of my team access Git Helpers?

Anyone in your Basecamp organization can log into Git Helpers at using their Basecamp account. From there, they can link Basecamp projects and GitHub repos. They can only see the projects and repos they personally have access to, and won't be able to see connections that others set up.

If you become a paid subscriber, everyone in your Basecamp organization is covered by the single subscription fee of $12/month or $96/year (equivalent to $8/month).

How much does Git Helpers cost?

A subscription, covering everyone in your Basecamp organization, is $12/month or $96/year (equivalent to $8/month).

We offer a 30 day free trial, with no commitment and no payment information required.

How do you keep Git Helpers secure?

Git Helpers accesses only the data on Basecamp and GitHub that it needs to function. Git Helpers does not have access to your code on GitHub. Credentials stored in Git Helpers are encrypted.

All actions that Git Helpers takes on to-do's and PR's are performed as the user who connected the Basecamp project and GitHub repo. No one can create actions that target a Basecamp project or GitHub repo that they do not have access to.

Contact us

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